Urgent Open Roles

All of the PTO positions are important - but filling these roles are time sensitive and we need your help! For all open positions, please click “Committee Positions 2023-2024”.

New Role! Professional Development Day Breakfast Coordinator

The PTO is seeking a volunteer to handle the teacher and staff breakfast planning and execution at all 3 schools on Professional Development days.

Time Commitment: 3 to 4 mornings per year


  1. Place order with Coffee Haven

  2. Coordinate with Treasurer for snacks from wishlist,

  3. Coordinate with admin assistants at each school to have tables available for coffee and snacks

  4. Set up as needed and coordinate with additional volunteers as need (keep red table cloths and PTO signs from breakfast to breakfast)

Fundraising Committee Members

Our newly formed Fundraising Committee is seeking additional members to help brainstorm, plan, and execute fundraising initiatives.

Timeframe: August - June, time commitment varies based on event.

Please email PTO.funds.Holliston@gmail.com for more information.

Townwide Ski/Snowboard Club Chairperson

We are still in need of a Chairperson (overall coordinator). See the position description below & email hollistonpto@gmail.com to learn more if you are interested!

  • Timeframe: Short-term commitment: November through January (5-10 hours total during November & December; 1 hour/week January – early February while program is active)

  • Responsibilities: The Townwide Ski/Snowboard Club Chairperson makes sure the (already set up) registration system is good to go, contracts with the mountain (Nashoba Valley), and contracts the bus company (Fox Bus Lines) that transports students to the mountain. Also promotes and communicates program details and registration info to parents and students, and plans the rental equipment fit night. The Chairperson oversees the school-level Ski/Snowboard Coordinators, providing lists and information to them as the coordinators run the program week-to-week at each school. Program runs once per week for 5 weeks in January and early February – Thursday nights for Adams and Friday nights for Miller. The Chairperson is not responsible for the weekly departures from the schools, and does not need to be there unless they want to or want to chaperone – or simply want to go along and ski. The Chairperson receives a free pass for the dates of the program if they would like.

  • ***Note: The previous Chairperson will be available to help with setup and questions. ***