Spiritwear Pick-Up Information
/Thank you for supporting your Holliston PTO by purchasing spirit wear. The spirit wear sale helps us show Holliston pride around our great town! Also, it is one of the ways that helps the Holliston PTO to continue to support the Holliston School System.
There will be 3 different opportunities to pick up your spirit wear. Spirit Wear pick up will be held at the Gilman Room at the Holliston Public Library downtown. The Gilman Room is the room located on the lower level of the Holliston Public Library.
The times are:
Saturday 12/14 from 10:am-11:30am
Monday 12/16 from 3:30pm-6:30pm
Tuesday 12/17 from 2:00pm-4:30pm
Thank you again! Email pto.funds.holliston@gmail.com with any questions.